BISS ACAMIS Model United Nations 2010
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BISS ACAMIS Model United Nations 2010
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BISS ACAMIS Model United Nations 2010
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BISS ACAMIS Model United Nations 2010

The first BISS ACAMIS Model United Nations will be hosted at BISS Pudong on Saturday, 27 February 2010.

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Sample Speech - Korea on Exploitation

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1Sample Speech - Korea on Exploitation Empty Sample Speech - Korea on Exploitation Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:02 am



Honourable Chairs, Fellow Delegates,

The delegate of Republic of Korea realizes exploitation of African countries by industrialized and industrializing countries tremendously impacts not only on African people’s standards of living but also their economic growth. Unaccountable resource extraction and overuse of labours with a low payment bring the unethical problems such as environment destruction and violation of human rights.

Hence, the delegate of Korea strongly supports advancement in access to aid by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization in order to improve education as well as healthcare system. Since African government has been having a political instability as well as lack of capital, it’s very difficult to increase education and to improve healthcare by their own economic capability. Since corruption increases the risk of contracts not being distributed income revenue efficiently, gaining aid from UNESCO is very vital. Improvements in education improve the well-being of the populations, both the educated themselves and society as a whole. That is, education provides external benefits. Furthermore, increased levels of education will increase efficient work force and thus poor African labours who are willing to get jobs can gain more opportunities to be employed.

The delegate is also very impressed with setting up the financial infrastructure which is monitored with the assistance of IMF and World Bank. Lack of infrastructure is one of the greatest drawbacks for Africa since infrastructure is essential for economic growth. Infrastructures like roads, sewage treatment, sanitation system and other utilities that are necessary for economic activity are inadequate in Africa. Lower condition of sewage treatment causes unhygienic living condition to people. The lack of any of facilities will harm and ability to achieve economic growth. Limited infrastructure also hinders development prospects. Poor roads and public transport means that it may be difficult to get to a school to obtain education in such cases.

The delegate of Korea also agrees with the point 6 improvement in health medical facilities and health care technology through increasing availability of cheap medication, vaccination, hospitals and clinic services with the aid of donation such as WHO. Insufficient health care system greatly affects standards of living and economic growth. The provision of public health services, such as improved access to safe water and sanitation, prevents a fall in life expectancy which is very significant in people’s standards of living.

The delegate sees commitment as well as efficiency in the plan to solve exploitation of Africa by industrialized and industrializing countries.

Therefore, the delegate of Republic of Korea urges all member states to vote for this extensively written resolution.

Thank you.

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